Senin, 05 Desember 2011

Acne, no way!

Acne is a condition in which the clogged skin pores, causing an inflamed sac of pus. Possible causes are hormonal changes that stimulate oil glands in the skin. Other hormonal changes that can lead to acne are menstruation, pregnancy, use of birth control pills, and stress. Acne will be tortured again because it frequently appears at puberty that he said most people is the most beautiful. That would interfere with performance. Here are tips to prevent acne.
  • Washing your face two times a day
 Washing your face two times a day will help remove the oil on the surface of our skin. If we are rarely cleaned, then the acne-causing bacteria will thrive in our faces. wash your face 2 times a day with mild soap.
  • Customize your cosmetics with your skin type
If your skin is oily then use cosmetics for oily skin, if you use cosmetics that do not suit your skin type, acne will soon come to your facial skin.
  • Dry your face with a clean towel after washing your face or shower
Because the bacteria are also like a moist and warm.
  • Drinking water
Nearly 70% of our skin consists of water, with drinking water at least 2 liters a day, then our skin will always fit and healthy.
  • Use a skin moisturizer
Using a moisturizer will help to nourish our skin, especially from dry skin. However moisturizer here does not mean that greasy moisturizer.
  • Always make sure your skin is clean before bed.
Always wash your face before bed to regenerate the skin well.
  • Frequently eat vegetables and fruits.
Vegetables contains many vitamins that nourish our skin. Expand eat vegetables or fruits, especially those containing vitamin E.
  • Enough sleep and regular.
So get used to a sufficient and regular sleep. Because when we sleep, the skin will regenerate and remove harmful toxins so that when we wake up the next day we will kebali fresh skin.
  • And Diligent exercise :)
Routine Exercise regularly to keep pores open and sweat that can remove impurities in the skin of the face. The dirt and the rest of cosmetics can cause acne and face dull.

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